Repurposing is a fantastic way to conserve! Reduce waste. Save money. Use environmentally-friendly materials to further your repurposing efforts. Work with a piece that you already own or purchase a second-hand piece from Habitat Restore, Goodwill, second-hand store or consignment shop. You can save money and perhaps support a worthy cause. … [Read more...]
Preserving History in Style With Repurposed Furniture
Furniture design is constantly changing to stay ahead of the latest trends that appear at market each year. Designs vary from sleek contemporary to traditional Victorian. But the latest rage with designers is the use of "green" or "sustainable" furniture materials. While many of the pieces we see at market now incorporate recycled materials, an exciting new wave of "repurposed … [Read more...]
Forget What Your Neighbors Say – Furnish Your Home For Free With Second Hand Timber Pallets
If you've ever been to the hardware store to buy some bits of timber for making a coffee table or something along those lines, you'll no doubt have discovered just how expensive wood can be. In fact, many DIY enthusiasts have long since given up making their own items of furniture simply because readymade furniture usually costs less. … [Read more...]
DIY Reclaimed Wood Furniture: Pallet to Coffee Table
What you will need: 1 Reclaimed Wood Shipping Pallet 1 Box of 2" Flat-Head Nails 200 grit Sandpaper Hammer Hand Saw Measuring Tape Paint or Stain Hand Clamp … [Read more...]
Fun Bedroom Furniture Styles to Consider – Log Beds, Platform Beds and More
Log furniture creates an inviting look that easily fits in with any interior design, all while perfectly complementing the rest of the log furniture already in the cabin or house. Log beds can often be found in many styles, ranging from the economical to the bold. With many wood options to choose from, including aspen, cedar, red cedar, hickory, pine, wood and iron, and barn … [Read more...]